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About Me

I grew up in a small Ohio village. The population was not large enough to be considered a town or city. My father worked in a salvage yard and my mother taught special education. At the age of 2.5 years my mother was tragically killed in a car accident at the hand of a drunk driver. My father was not equipped to handle raising a young child on his own and my mothers mom filled in the gap for many years. I lost my dear grandmother when I was expecting my first child in 1987, and not a day goes by that I don't think of her and miss her terribly.

I was named Kim Jean, not Kimberly, Just Kim. My grandmother would argue with her friends over what my name was, I can still remember to this day being in the grocery store and her telling a woman, "Her name is Kim, not Kimberly, Just Kim!" She was a small woman, but very opinionated and very outspoken. I loved her to pieces and have the most fond memories being at her home and the stories she would tell me about my mother as a child.

I have overcome physical, emotional and sexual abuse as a child, drug and alcohol addiction as a young adult, with almost 30 yrs of sobriety. I have raised 6 beautiful children and have 4 grandchildren with another arriving soon. Along with my Faith in Jesus, my children have given me the desire, strength, and motivation to move past all the trauma to become who I am today. Redeemed and set free from the bondage of abuse. 

I have never been a person to stand out, be fancy or seek attention. I don't sugar coat things, but I believe in forgiveness and kindness in all areas. I am just who I am....

Just Kim