I have spent several weeks off and on trying to find time to start the blog posts. The logistics of technology overwhelm me and make it difficult to get past attempting to even personalize the blog page. 2021 seems to have brought a level of chaos and busyness to life that I have not felt previously. It seems to flow into every aspect of daily life, making it almost impossible to connect for a cup of coffee with a friend. We recently found a local church that seems to be a good fit for our family and todays sermon covered this very issue. It seems finding time to remove the distractions, shift focus on true priorities, quiet the constant swirling of negative influences, is more difficult that one would think. We spend our days running to activities, Dr appts, dance, piano, and whatever else the day may bring, that we fail to make time for ourselves and most importantly... God. Without that, there is no peace in the midst of this chaos that has now become daily life since this so called "New Normal" arose almost 2 years ago.
In the early part of 2020, I spent a great deal of time self reflecting. It is much easier to work on character defects than it is to live with regrets. Often times our bad childhood programing sets the stage for mistakes along the way that we never intended to repeat as adults. One can only continue to change what needs changed, forgive offenses and love others. We all have a story to tell and were created for a purpose far greater than we are aware of. As we stumble along the way, veering off the path at times, it is important to remember that we can step right back on that path. Beating yourself up for mistakes made only holds you in a place of bondage, preventing growth and that is exactly what robs us of our joy.
As I work towards my new goal of finding a place of peace and rest each day to refocus, I encourage you to do the same. We are worth so much more!
Just Kim